Thank you for your order

Thank you for choosing MileageWise!

An email was sent to the email address you provided with further information on how to start using MileageWise with your new subscription.

Please tell us how you like our software by rating & writing a review about MileageWise on your favorite platform:

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Answering these questions might help you with what to write about in your review:

  • Do you find MileageWise well-designed, fast, and easy to use?
  • Does MileageWise run stable and have no crashes?
  • Do you find the MileageWise mobile app battery- and data-friendly enough?
  • Do you appreciate that the MileageWise app doesn’t track you along the way (for the sake of privacy protection), but logs only the arrivals at your destinations?

Yours faithfully,

The MileageWise Team

mileagewise team photo


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