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mileage tracker app

Mileage Tracker vs. Mileage Logger

Nov 9, 2021 What’s the difference between a Mileage Tracker and a Mileage Logger? In these times, when our location is monitored by several devices all the time, privacy is a value that we all appreciate. There are several programs that can be used for real-time tracking, but do you really want to be observed constantly? Reliable software for mileage logging is essential if any aspect of operating your small business needs driving. Real-Time Mileage Tracking with GPS To automatically register and monitor miles, most mileage tracking apps rely on

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mileagewise helps avoid irs audit triggers

What to do when you realize you should’ve kept a mileage log?

September 5, 2019 Before the tax year ends, there’s a chance you have to face a few unpleasant surprises. If you have a small business, or you’re an independent contractor or a freelancer most of the tax-related administration is something you have to do for yourself. Even if you have an accountant, they might not offer you the best solution for your situation. Furthermore, it is in your best interest to know about the details of these errands. If you record them wisely, you can find an average of $5,600

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gps trackers mileagewise

The downsides of GPS tracking

August 6, 2019 Or in other words: things you wish you’d known before  If you’re driving a car and need to log your mileage for whatever reason (but we imagine it’s mostly tax-related), it’s more than likely that you’ve encountered the phenomenon of mileage log software and apps operating on GPS technology. The first thing that came to your mind probably was one of the following: GPS tracking? How handy it is, to track my miles in real time! Sure, I won’t miss a mile from now on! So basically,

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