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mileage log

The Benefits of Using a Real Mileage Log Generator

Last updated on: March 13, 2024 If you are a business owner or contractor, maintaining accurate business mileage records is crucial for maximizing tax deductions and staying compliant with IRS regulations. However, the process can be time-consuming and fraught with potential errors. Has it ever happened to you that you’ve forgotten to keep mileage records, but at the end of the tax year you’d like to claim the mileage deduction that comes after business mileage?  The first thing you might have done is to type “mileage log generator” or “mileage

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Case Study #3: Incorrectly tracked miles

The goal of our new Case Study series is to educate our users about some common tax-related topics. We wanted to start with the not-so-fortunate cases. So that we can move on to the good practices later to show how much easier it is to claim a tax deduction by keeping and/or retrospectively reconstructing a mileage log with IRS-Proof mileage log software. In the first Case Study, we examined what happens when you claim deductions but don’t have mileage logs to support them. In the second Case Study, we examined what

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Case Study #1: Unsubstantiated Expenses

May 15, 2020 The goal of our new Case Study series is to educate our users about some common tax-related topics. We wanted to start with the not-so-fortunate cases. We want to present good practices later. To show how much easier it is to claim a tax deduction by keeping and/or retrospectively reconstructing a mileage log with an IRS-proof mileage log software. So let’s get started! Case Study #1:  Non-existing mileage logs Regardless of whether citizens live in New York City, Austin, Jackson, or somewhere else, a huge obstacle faced

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mileagewise helps avoid irs audit triggers

What to do when you realize you should’ve kept a mileage log?

September 5, 2019 Before the tax year ends, there’s a chance you have to face a few unpleasant surprises. If you have a small business, or you’re an independent contractor or a freelancer most of the tax-related administration is something you have to do for yourself. Even if you have an accountant, they might not offer you the best solution for your situation. Furthermore, it is in your best interest to know about the details of these errands. If you record them wisely, you can find an average of $5,600

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Keeping a mileage log has never been easier

July 26, 2019 MileageWise can bring fundamental changes for your business when it comes to claiming a tax deduction on your car expenses. The complex administration is the number one reason that keeps people from maintaining a mileage log. But if you do not keep a mileage log you may not even realize that you have lost up to $5.600 per tax year. Keeping a mileage log with the tools that were available earlier was indeed a demanding task. For logs recorded on paper and later transferred to Excel spreadsheets

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