MileageWise Blog


Simply double-click on the row you want to delete, or select Delete in the drop-down menu.Or, in List view, use the checkbox to select the trip purpose(s) you want to delete. Select Delete at the top right of the menu.System-level trip purposes cannot be deleted.If it is set as Default, you must first set another…


Simply double-click on the row you want to modify or right-click in the drop-down menu and select Modify.Or select it by ticking the box before the name and select Modify from the menu at the top (except for system-level travel purposes)!Make the changes you want, then click Modify.(By clicking the Modify and new button, you…

Adding a new trip purpose

Select the add option in the drop-down menu of the Trip Purposes Library menu in the dictionary area by right-clicking.Or click on the menu at the top right and select Add.In the next window, enter your new trip purpose!Be careful whether you set a business or personal purpose. It will determine whether the program records…

Deleting a Vehicle

Simply double-click on the vehicle you want to delete, or right-click and select Delete from the drop-down menu.Or, in List view, use the checkbox to select the vehicle(s) you want to delete and select Delete from the top right-hand menu.Confirm your deletion by clicking Yes.If you do not want to delete the vehicle, you can…

Vehicle Modification

Simply double-click on the vehicle you want to modify or right-click on the vehicle select Modify.Or select Modify from the menu in the top right corner.The license plate number cannot be changed. If you need to change this data, it is only possible by deleting the current vehicle and adding it again with the appropriate…