This is useful if you have more people using MileageWise within your company. If you have more vehicles within your company and different employees are in charge of recording and finalizing different vehicles’ mileage logs, or if you would like to share your account with your colleagues or accountant.
With the new user management feature, you can add users to access your MileageWise account and record data, as well as create mileage logs. You can set specific users to access your account only through the mobile app. You can deny users access to the account by deactivating them. You can delete them permanently as well.
As the main user, the one who originally created the account, your assigned role is Administrator. Only the Administrator or Manager can change and delete the access of another user.
For multiple users, as an Administrator or Manager, you need to set which users have access to which vehicle, who can record and modify a particular vehicle’s monthly trip data, pair vehicles with clients, or set up recurring daily trips. Only the Administrator or Manager can add, modify, or delete a vehicle.
Users only see the vehicles they have access to, but all users see all clients. With the vehicle-client pairing you can narrow this down, by pairing the vehicles with specific clients that they’ll have access to, this will rule out any possibility of users getting in each other’s way.
Any combination from below may be used:
With our Google Maps Timeline integration for importing your Location History, the AI Wizard Mileage Log Generator for recovering past trips, and our Built-in IRS Auditor that spots 70 potential red flags, MileageWise makes sure your mileage logs are always 100% IRS-proof.
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