If you already have an account, but do not remember your password, click the ‘Forgotten password’ button on the login screen.
Enter your email address and click on the ‘Create a new password’ button.
We will send you a link via email in which you need to click on the ‘Create a new password’ button!
After entering your new password you will be able to log in.
Important: For your security, your password must contain at least 8 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers as well (with no spaces)!
With our Google Maps Timeline integration for importing your Location History, the AI Wizard Mileage Log Generator for recovering past trips, and our Built-in IRS Auditor that spots 70 potential red flags, MileageWise makes sure your mileage logs are always 100% IRS-proof.
If you recently opened Google Maps and noticed your Timeline was deleted or partially missing, you’re not alone. In this post, we’ll break down what
If you use the internet for work, you might be able to claim a deduction on your tax return. But how much of your internet
If you regularly pay tolls for work-related travel, you may be wondering: Are tolls tax deductible? The short answer is yes, but only under specific
Are you one of the thousands of Instacart shoppers hustling to make deliveries across town and confused about Instacart 1099? Are you wondering about those pesky
© 2025 MileageWise – originally established in 2001