Standby Timer: Enhance Your Automatic Tracking

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Optimize Your Trip Recording with the Standby Timer Feature

Note: The Standby Timer feature is available exclusively with the Vehicle Movement Monitoring recording option.

You can access the Standby Timer by going to the Settings menu and selecting Set Recording Parameters under the Recording Settings section.

auto tracking settings

What does the Standby Timer do?

The Standby Timer automatically logs your trips, even if the usual trigger (exiting your vehicle and walking for about 100 feet) isn’t activated while using Vehicle Movement Monitoring.

automatic mileage tracking


If you’re an Uber driver picking up a passenger, you might estimate that it takes 2 minutes from the time you stop to when you start driving again. During this time, you didn’t exit your vehicle, and your phone stayed in the car, so the usual triggers weren’t met. The Standby Timer ensures that your trip is still logged automatically, even without those triggers.

This feature is ideal if:

  • You don’t walk enough for the app to detect your walking activity.
  • You often leave your phone in the car.

How to use it:

Set the timer based on how long you typically remain idle at each location before starting your next trip. The app will then log your trip automatically after the specified time period.

MileageWise Advantages:

  • No external hardware is required.
  • The app respects your privacy by only logging your arrival points, without tracking every turn.

Download the MileageWise mobile app now, start tracking your miles,
and save thousands on your taxes!

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