How To Track Miles on iPhone

Last updated: March 1, 2024

These days, many employers, entrepreneurs, and self-employed people are looking to get the most out of their mileage tax deductions on their iPhones by tracking their mileage on them. While iPhones certainly exist at the cutting edge of smartphone technology, offering some tracking features, a car mileage tracking app for iPhone is certainly the way to go, especially if you want to take advantage of the fantastic features available on an app like ours.

On this page, we answer some of your burning questions about iPhone usage in the context of mileage tracking, while also exploring why MileageWise’s automatic miles tracker app is among the best choices on the market today.

happy man looking at mileage tracker app on iphone

How can you track miles on Google Maps?

There is no default app for mileage counting on an iPhone, nor can you really track miles via Google Maps. Most phones do, however, offer a feature called location history tracking – this can be set up through your Google account and is actually available on both Android and iPhone. The problem is, even though this setting will show the places you have been to – potentially tracking the distance between them – it does not collate that data into a mileage log or any real digestible format.

Moving forward, we will show you how you can use that data.

Using your Google Maps Data to Create a Mileage Log

If you do use location history tracking on your iPhone, you can download that data; it’s just that it will be in the form of a JSON file. This basically means that if you’re not a web developer who understands JavaScript then there’s no real way you can use that data to your advantage as some kind of pseudo-free mileage tracker.

On the other hand, that data does have some use – MileageWise’s Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service can prepare your mileage logs for you. We also have a guide where we take you through this “Google Timeline to a mileage log” process step-by-step, thus helping you to construct one of the many things we specialize in: an IRS-Proof mileage log.

Download MileageWise’s automatic mileage log app to your iPhone from the App Store (Google Play for Android users)  & try it for free for 14 days. No credit card required!

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man in jacket looking at his mileage tracking app

Does my iPhone Track Distance When It’s Dead?

Your iPhone won’t specifically track distances as we describe them above (i.e., location history tracking), though it does count your steps through the frequently used Health app that comes as stock standard on iPhones. This is because the M-series chips used in modern iPhones contain some level of reserve battery specifically for that purpose – even when their batteries are supposedly drained. This was first discovered with the iPhone 5S using an M7 chip at the time.

Regardless of these facts, tracking your steps is simply not relevant to tracking business miles the way that various mileage trackers can, which is why so many software providers have put the time into developing mileage calculator applications for iPhones that serve this particular purpose.

Mileage Tracking for Vehicles on your iPhone

As you might’ve guessed, the point we’ve been moving toward is that the best way to do the above is through a mileage tracking app.

Luckily for you – the customer – we’re confident that MileageWise has built one of the best mileage reimbursement-purpose mileage and expense tracker apps for iPhones available today, and we’ve got the proof needed to back such a statement up: all of our features are available for your perusal here, and you can download our software directly through the App Store.

Below is a short breakdown of some of our most sought-after features:

3+1 auto-tracking functions

Let’s face it: you don’t want to be messing around with your phone constantly worrying about using an app when you arrive at a client’s business or do a work-related errand. With the choice between Bluetooth auto-tracking, Plug ‘N’ Go auto-tracking, and vehicle movement monitoring, we’ve got all your bases covered.

Retrospective mileage reconstruction

Has the IRS contacted you about an audit? Do you need mileage logs for previous years where your logs were patchy at best? Our revolutionary software can help you rebuild your logs based on your clients’ locations and typical driving habits.

MileageWise’s Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service

Are you short on time? Do you need to focus on your business rather than the creation of mileage logs that are IRS-Proof? We’ll sort it out for you – just contact one of our representatives and they will do it for you.

Free mileage tracker trial

Finally, we offer a full version of our software completely free for 14 days. You don’t need to give us your credit card – just try out the mileage tracking app on your iPhone for free and see if it fits best for you. We’re confident you’ll be impressed.


How do I track my car with iPhone?

You can track your car using third-party GPS tracking devices that connect to an app on your iPhone, or by using Apple’s Find My app if you leave an Apple device in your car that is linked to your iCloud account.

Does Apple Maps have a timeline?

No, Apple Maps does not have a timeline feature similar to Google Maps Timeline. Apple Maps does not track or store your location history in a detailed or accessible timeline.

How to see Apple Maps history?

Apple Maps allows you to view your significant locations if this feature is enabled in your privacy settings. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Significant Locations. Here, you can view a list of places you’ve frequently visited, which Apple Maps uses to provide personalized services.

How to track an iPhone for free?

You can track an iPhone for free using the Find My app, which is pre-installed on all iPhones. This requires that the iPhone being tracked is signed in with an iCloud account and has the Find My iPhone feature enabled in the iCloud settings.

How does MileageWise affect battery life?

MileageWise can automatically track your routes. It will not kill your phone’s battery, or use up a large amount of your data because not all movements are tracked. Your trip will be accurately recorded right after you arrive at your destination.

Can I record gas expenses?

When it comes to business mileage tax reimbursement, you have two options. You can track your mileage and deduct the IRS’s standard mileage rate for every mile, or track your expenses, such as gas, parking fees, license fees, insurance, and repairs, to serve as the basis for your tax write-off. MileageWise offers both options, which can make it the best gas and mileage tracker app for business on your iPhone.

Is the app compatible with IOS devices?

Yes, MileageWise is an IOS-compatible mileage tracker app. You can download it from the App Store.

Download MileageWise’s automatic mileage log app to your iPhone from the App Store (Google Play for Android users)  & try it for free for 14 days. No credit card required!

Try MileageWise for free

MileageWise Other Mileage Tracker Apps Other GPS Based Trackers Excel Tax Professional
Mobile App for Ongoing Tracking
Web Dashboard to Manage Trips
Imports Trips and Locations from Google Timeline
Lifetime Deals Available
Average Possible Business Mileage Deduction $12,000 $1,000-$7,000 $400-$5,700 $200-$2,000
Average Time Required to Assemble Mileage Log (Monthly) 7 minutes 60 minutes 120 minutes 187 minutes N/A
AI Wizard Technology for Retroactive Mileage Recovery
Produces IRS-Proof Mileage Logs
Free Phone Support with Live Agent
Mileage Log Preparation Service
Data Accessible in the Cloud