Save your 20% OFF coupon for a later IRS mileage audit

Ever felt nervous about a possible IRS mileage audit?

You’ll never have to worry about it again: MileageWise has got your back!

This post serves as a 20% OFF coupon for our Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service, during which we’ll rebuild your deficient  in case of an IRS audit – helping you avoid an enormous IRS fine.

Also, this offer has NO expiry date. Save the picture below as a coupon for any time in the future. 🙂

mileage log irs audit concierge service

“What is MileageWise’s Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service all about?”

At an IRS mileage audit, you’ll be asked to come up with sufficient documentation of your business miles for a particular year (or multiple years). If the content or format of your mileage log is not adequate, it’s likely that you’ll get fined by the IRS.

Don’t worry, though: The mileage log experts and the software behind MileageWise’s Mileage Log Preparation Service will help you rebuild your mileage log – ensuring that it’s 100% IRS-compliant!

“How can I be sure that the IRS will approve of it?”

MileageWise’s built-in IRS auditor function will check and correct 70 different logical contradictions in your mileage log, ensuring that your mileage log is IRS-proof before printing.

Here’s what to do in different scenarios:

“I need to get my mileage log done ASAP.”

If you’re behind with your mileage log, call or email us and we’ll give you a call within 1 business day.

“I don’t need my mileage log prepared just yet.”

Save this webpage as your Golden Ticket to claim your 10% discount anytime in case of an IRS mileage audit.

“I know someone who could use this coupon.”

Forward this post to them, and they’ll automatically be eligible for the 10% discount by having this coupon.

If you prefer to track your business miles on the go, download MileageWise’s mileage tracker application from Google Play or App Store.

Try MileageWise for free

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