Prize Competition Rules

1. The Competition and the Organizer

These rules apply to the prize competition (hereinafter referred to as “the Competition”) announced via the Facebook and Instagram pages of MileageWise Inc., as well as via email, under the following conditions.

2. Duration and Process of the Competition

The duration of the Competition: from March 10, 2025, until  March 16, 2025, midnight.

The drawing will take place on March 17, 2025, at 6:00 PM EST on the Facebook page of MileageWise Inc., using an online drawing program (participants will be listed by contact name).

Results will be announced within 24 hours of the draw.

To participate and be eligible for the prize, participants must follow the instructions in the email invitation sent by MileageWise Inc.

The participants must download a personalized MileageWise certificate via the link in the email, print it, and take a selfie with it. This photo must be sent back via a reply email by the end of the Competition. A draw will be held among those who send back the photo.

3. Who Can Participate in the Competition?

  • Those who follow the invitation instructions in the email sent by MileageWise Inc. and have a residential or home address in the USA (hereinafter referred to as “Participant”).
  • If the winner has limited legal capacity, they may only handle matters related to the prize and receive the prize with their legal representative.
  • If the winner lacks legal capacity, only their legal representative may act on their behalf.
  • Employees of the organizing company and their immediate family members cannot participate.
  • By participating, the Participant acknowledges that they fully understand and unconditionally accept the Prize Competition Rules.
  • If the Participant does not accept any provision of these rules or raises an objection, they are not entitled to participate and will be automatically excluded from the Competition.
  • The conduct and participation in the Competition follow these Prize Competition Rules. Applicable laws will govern any unregulated matters.

4. Prizes

Three winners will be announced at the end of the Competition. Each winner will receive one of the three $100 Amazon gift cards.

The prize cannot be redeemed for cash, nor is it transferable.

The organizer will contact winners by phone and email.

If a winner loses their eligibility for the prize or is unavailable within one week, the organizer reserves the right to draw an alternate winner.

5. Notification of Winners

The winner(s) will be notified by phone and email. If contact cannot be established, the winner will not be eligible to receive the prize.

A winner will forfeit their right to the prize if:

  • It is unequivocally proven that they participated with multiple and/or fake registrations, thereby gaining an unfair advantage.
  • It is unequivocally proven that they attempted to intentionally influence the Competition process/results in any way.
  • They violate any provision of these Competition Prize Rules.

6. Delivery of Prizes

The details of prize delivery will be communicated to each winner by phone or email.

Prize delivery will not involve any payment or tax obligations for the winner.

Participants must cooperate to receive their prizes. If they fail to do so, the prize will not be awarded, and the organizer will bear no responsibility.

Organizer’s Liability

The Organizer disclaims liability for any damages to the Participant or any third party resulting from

  • incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete data provided by Participants,
  • unsuccessful or delayed e-mail notifications due to circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control or other reasons resulting in the unsuccessful or delayed notification of the Winner, and
  • cases involving individuals with limited or no legal capacity without a legal representative’s consent or registration by minors.

8. Data Processing and Protection

8.1 Basic information

Participation in the Competition and provision of necessary data is voluntary. The Organizer only requests and handles data for prize delivery.

Participants may request detailed information about the data processor’s name, address, and activities related to data processing.

Participants may withdraw their consent to data processing at any time without limitation and explanation free of charge, and they have the right to request the termination of processing their data for the purposes or part of the purposes above.

In the event of a change in data protection conditions, the Participants will be informed of such changes by the Organizer.

Participants may address any data protection concerns by contacting their relevant state or federal authority.

The Organizer will use the personal data exclusively for communication with Participants and to fulfill its legal obligations. After the reason for data processing terminates, but within 30 days at the latest, the data will be deleted.

8.2 By participating in the Competition, the Participant:

  • Consents to the handling of personal data necessary for prize delivery in case of winning (name, email address, postal address) according to applicable federal and state data protection laws.
  • Agrees unconditionally that the Organizer may use their data for prize delivery during the Prize Competition.
  • Consents to the use of their photo (as part of a collage) by MileageWise Inc. for marketing purposes, to promote the MileageWise mileage tracker on social media, website, advertisements, and email communication.

The Organizer uses personal data exclusively to communicate with the participants and to send the prizes.

9. Exclusion
Participants who participate in a manner contrary to the spirit of the Competition, intending to increase their chances through deceptive conduct, and as a result depriving the chance of winning from fair players, will be excluded.

Please note, that the Organizer reserves the right to exclude Participants from the Competition if the mentioned unfair behavior is noticed.

10. Miscellaneous Provisions

The Organizer is not responsible for any erroneous or false registrations. Registrations in non-compliant formats may be disqualified at the Organizer’s discretion.

The prize is non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable.

The Organizer reserves the right to amend these rules, shorten or extend the Competition duration, or make other changes.

This Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook and Meta.