Track your trips by charging your phone

July 13, 2020

Automatic Tracking Modes for your Mileage Tracker App

In the MileageWise mileage tracker app, you can now choose from two types of automatic trip-tracking modes. In addition to the Car Bluetooth, the Phone charge monitoring function allows you to record your trips without the touch of a button!

This feature is for you if:

  • it’s hard for you to get used to and make a manual trip recording routine;
  • you regularly charge your phone in your car;
  • you do not have a car Bluetooth device.

With automatic trip tracking at the end of the month, you no longer have to worry about where you went. You can easily manage your mileage log manually or using the unique AI Wizard technology.

Furthermore, with the help of user management, you can delegate the task of finalization to your co-workers or even entrust it to our experts!

Plug'N'Go mileage log

How does the Phone charge monitoring function work?

We monitor when you charge your phone in your car. The recording takes place when you remove the charger from your phone on arrival. We will also send you a notification about the start of the trip and the recording of a successful client visit.

We also pay attention to the lifespan and data usage of your phone! The Phone charge monitoring function uses GPS positioning and data traffic for recording only when you arrive at your client, so your phone’s battery and data are used the minimum amount possible.

It has never been easier to create an IRS-proof mileage log that meets all expectations than with automatic trip recording modes!

Download MileageWise’s automatic mileage tracker app from Google Play or the App Store & try it for free for 14 days. No credit card required!

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