Lessons from a Seasoned Uber Driver

Driving for Uber can be a rewarding experience, both financially and personally. However, it helps to learn from those who’ve been in the game for a while to turn your Uber gig into a lucrative career. Here are some tried-and-true tips from a seasoned Uber driver to help you make the most of your time on the road.

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Table of Contents

Boosting Your Profitability

1. Put in the Hours

Sorry to break it to you, but there’s no magic formula for becoming a top earner. It mostly comes down to putting in the hours. So, the more you drive, the more you earn. Simple as that.

2. Find Cheap Gas Stations

Don’t just fill up at the nearest station; take a minute to find the cheapest option along your route. Those savings add up.

3. Drive When Others Don’t

Here’s a tip: Drive when other drivers are reluctant. Think about those early morning hours around 4 am or late-night shifts on Fridays and Saturdays. A lot of drivers don’t want to deal with the drunks, but that’s when you’re almost guaranteed to stay busy.

4. Set a Daily Goal

Whether it’s a certain number of rides or an earnings target, a daily goal can give you that extra push to keep going, even when you’re tempted to call it a day. Keep in mind that a few extra rides at the end of the day can add up to much better earnings over time.

5. Use the Destination Filter

The destination filter is your friend. Use it to get rides that head towards where you want to go, like home. It’s a smart way to keep earning while making your way to a personal destination.

6. Full Tank of Gas Every Day

Starting your day with a full tank of fuel is a small habit that saves you a lot of hassle and time. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later when you’re not scrambling to find a gas station in the middle of a busy shift, missing out on precious rides. Furthermore, this makes it easier to track your vehicle’s gas consumption.

7. Lease a Car with Unlimited Miles

If you’re driving full-time, consider leasing a car with unlimited miles, a deal available through Uber. More often than not, the cost of leasing a vehicle will be lower than the wear and tear costs of your car.

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Uber Driver learning lessons along the way

Enhancing the Rider Experience

1. Keep a Clean Car

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and a clean car goes a long way. For example, use odor-cancelling products to keep things fresh, and skip the fancy mats—they just get dirty. Instead, invest in rubber mats that you can easily shake off between two rides.

2. Smile 🙂

A simple smile can set a positive tone for the entire ride. It doesn’t take much effort, but it can make a world of difference in how your passengers perceive you.

3. Keep Bare Essentials for Passengers

Consider keeping a few essentials on hand for your passengers, like extra chargers and tissues. However, stash up on bottled water, mints, gum, or magazines if you want to go the extra mile. It’s the little things that make the ride more pleasant.

4. Show That You Care

Ask your passengers if the temperature is okay, if they mind the music, and if the volume is comfortable. These small gestures show that you care about their comfort, which can lead to better tips and ratings.

5. Learn when to Just Listen

Sometimes, the best way to avoid conflict is to stay quiet. Therefore, let your passengers rant away or share their stories without you trying to “compete” or downsize their experiences. It’s a real turnoff when drivers do that, so put your ego in check and just listen.

6. Avoid these No-No topics

This one should be a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating. Steer clear of discussing politics, religion, or sexual topics with your passengers.

7. No Personal Questions

Avoid asking personal questions like “What do you do for work?” or “Are you heading home?” Because you never know people’s situations, and it’s better to stay on the safe side. Instead, try talking about yourself a little and see what they want to share.

8. Don’t Drive When You’re Very Tired

Driving when you’re exhausted isn’t just bad for your health. You’re more likely to get agitated with passengers and drive recklessly. Thus, take care of yourself first, and be safe on the road.

Personal Well-Being

1. Start the Day Off Right

Start your day with a big mug of your favorite beverage. It’s a small ritual that can set a positive tone for the day ahead. Also, don’t forget to treat yourself to a nice lunch break every now and then—you’ve earned it 😉

2. Appreciate the Journey

One of the perks of driving for Uber is getting to see the world out there. Enjoy the sunrises, the sights, and the beauty of your area. Not every job gives you this opportunity, so take advantage of it.

3. Learn to Listen: Everyone Has Something to Teach

Every passenger has a story, and if you take the time to listen, you might just learn something new. Whether it’s about a specific field or just a fresh perspective, these conversations can enrich your life.

4. Drive with a Purpose

Set your purpose and remind yourself of it every now and then to stay motivated—whether it’s a financial goal or personal development. On the other hand, don’t stray away if your goal seems distant at times. Find gratitude in the opportunities that come with this job to keep you going. 

Meet the man behind these lessons, learned from 28.000 trips in 7 years:

And there you have it! By following these tips, you can make your time on the road more profitable, enjoyable, and fulfilling.

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